Sunday, October 2, 2011

"Put Up or Shut Up" Time For Palin

With the primary filing deadlines right around the corner for the 2012 Republican Presidential candidates, the time many have been waiting for has finally arrived:
D-Day for former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin.

So Mrs. Palin...what will it be? In or out? Are you running or not?

If you are, then you must get into the fray now if you have any hope of raising the money or creating the organizational structure necessary to compete effectively with front runners Mitt Romney and Rick Perry.

If not, then have the integrity (a difficult word for you, I know) to definitely declare that you are NOT running. The people who are infatuated with you deserve that courtesy.

The courting and wooing stage of your political dating game is over. Now it is time to make your move...or not. Either take your political romance to the next level, or "dump" the voters you've been flirting with since 2008-for their own good.

We know you love the spotlight, the money, the fame, and the endless interviews, reality shows, and FOX news paychecks, but the time has come to release the people you've been manipulating from their hypnotic trance of blind followership so that they can rally behind a real candidate of substance rather than fluff.

Breaking up is hard to do...but don't worry, I'm sure you have another lucrative TV deal already in the works.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Unprecedented Irresponsibility Must End

It is high time for the irresponsible members of the Tea Party to get on board with House Speaker John Boehner's efforts to find a debt ceiling/spending cut compromise with the White House and mainstream Republicans.

Their pathetic political posturing and grandstanding is putting America's AAA Credit Rating in jeopardy!

They are nothing more than a cadre of immature amateurs...and it shows.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Too Much Silence

It is high time for President Obama to be far more vocal in his opposition to the evil, despotic regime in Libya, and in his support for the struggles of public employee union members in Wisconsin, Ohio, New Jersey, and other states where Republican Governors are increasingly trying to close their budget gaps on the backs of civil servants, teachers, emergency personnel, and public school students.
Lend your voice to the chorus seeking regime change in Libya and stand side by side with the union members who help every day to make this great country better and stronger!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Christine O'Donnell Under Investigation

For possible misuse of campaign funds from her 2010 run for the U.S. Senate in Delaware, Republican Tea Party darling Christine O'Donnell is now under federal investigation.
She criticized the investigation as "thug politics" recently, demonstrating yet again that, as in her campaign, she favors slogans over facts.
Some people never learn.

Haley Barbour Could Be Strong Nominee

Mississippi's Republican Governor Haley Barbour, the former Chairman of the Republican National Committee and the current Chairman of the Republican Governor's Association is considering a run for the Republican presidential nomination in 2012.
He could prove to be a formidable opponent for President Obama, given his vast connections within the Republican and lobbying communities, and his strong and effective stewardship as Governor of Mississippi. Stay tuned.

Chief Justice's Advice Must Be Heeded

Chief Justice John Roberts has called upon legislators from both political parties to stop obstructing judicial nominees who have received majority backing from the Senate Judiciary Committee from receiving a full up or down vote in the U.S. Senate.
In their zeal to destroy the opposing party, both Democrats and Republicans have blocked continuously various judicial nominees from being confirmed.
To relieve the overwhelming caseloads on current federal judges, Congress must find common ground on judicial nominees from both Democratic and Republican presidents.