Thursday, October 30, 2008

America Needs A Compass In the White House, Not A Weathervane

The U.S. President needs to have a sense of what he believes, and should know when a policy is failing or succeeding. If a success, then be consistent. If a failure, modify and revise the policy accordingly. The next President must not ignore reality as President George W. Bush has consistently done, nor should he change messages and stances on issues so much that people are left wondering who the man is.
A middle ground must be found between these two extremes.
The Republican presidential candidate has had difficulty with consistent, clear policies and messages for a very long time, despite his wartime heroism.

Joe Biden Rallies Supporters in Missouri

In the crucial swing state of Missouri, a true indicator of middle America's hopes, dreams, and frustrations, Senator Joe Biden fired up supporters, urging them to see the difference between the two presidential tickets as Election Day 2008 draws near.

As Finish Line Approaches, Palin Still Provokes Emotion on Both Sides

As this recent roundtable exchange demonstrates, Sarah Palin remains both a positive and negative lightning rod as Election Day 2008 draws ever closer.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Senate a Potential Bonanza For Democrats

In this volatile 2008 election season, the Democratic Party could potentially pick up nine U.S. Senate seats, a majority that could help with effective governance over the next four years.

Christopher Buckley Endorses Barack Obama

Christopher Buckley, conservative political commentator and writer, the son of National Review magazine founder and late conservative icon, William F. Buckley, Jr., broke ranks with the conservative circles of his family roots to publicly endorse Barack Obama, as he states in conversation with Chris Matthews.

Michelle Obama Strong Surrogate For Her Husband

As Senator Obama visits his ailing grandmother in Hawaii, Mrs. Obama shows she can crystallize the issues in a way people can understand.

Larry King and Bill Maher Analyze Fundamentals

Recently, Larry King the commentator and Bill Maher the comedian exhibited the kind of analysis that America's voters must go through to successfully participate in the 2008 voting process.

Scott McClellan Endorses Barack Obama

Another former Bush partisan, former White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan, publicly declares his support for Barack Obama. Thanks to the President of the United States for supplying yet another Obama backer.

States Gearing Up For Election Day Battle

As Philadelphia, PA Mayor Michael Nutter's discussion with his city's Obama campaign forces illustrates, the Obama campaign is not underestimating the power of the McCain-Palin message. They will continue to work tirelessly to achieve success.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Palin Runs Off At The Mouth in Nonsensical Ways

While Joe Biden has committed verbal gaffes throughout his career, he has not irresponsibly advocated divisiveness in this great land, as the Republican Governor of Alaska did recently.

Maverick Tagline Is Old, Tired, and Inaccurate

As the McCain-Palin ticket continues to tout the maverick label with little or no attention to detail or policy substance, it is important to remember the level of maverick attention exhibited over the years by John McCain.

Obama Strikes Back Against Palin

As the presidential race moves toward the finish line, Senator Obama continues to prove that he will not allow the increasingly nasty smear tactics of the McCain-Palin ticket to go unanswered.

Former President Campaigns with Vigor

Former President Bill Clinton demonstrated the unity of the Democratic Party in pursuit of victory, as he campaigned for the Obama/Biden ticket in Nevada.

Albright Stresses Obama Has the Judgment and Temperment For Presidency

Former U.N. Ambassador and Secretary of State Dr. Madeleine Albright adds her support and expertise to Senator Obama's candidacy, echoing General Colin Powell.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Powell Endorsement No Small Thing

The endorsement this morning of Barack Obama by Former General, Secretary of State, Joint Chiefs Chairman, and National Security Advisor Colin Powell is not only disappointing for John McCain, but further invigorating for Senator Obama, who can draw on Powell's steady advice and experience to supplement Obama's already vast list of foreign policy advisors.
Colin Powell is a prominent, life-long Republican with impeccable foreign policy credentials, whose own war hero/veteran status and keen policy insights will only help to strengthen the presidential campaign of Obama/Biden.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Third and Final Debate Displayed Contrast

In their final debate encounter of this election season, John McCain and Barack Obama
displayed the essential difference between them that trumps all others: John McCain's feeble attempt to get "tough" showed him to be an angry, condescending, bitter, erratic man short on details and long on attacks, in contrast to a steady, cool, balanced performance by Obama. Obama spoke to Americans about proposals and plans, while McCain wanted so desperately to knock Obama off stride, that his erratic and borderline goofy behavior-interrupting, cutting Obama off, squinting and grinning ridiculously, fidgeting relentlessly, and walking off stage immediately after the debate with his tongue stuck out like an immature adolescent(caught on film)-showed a complete lack of steadiness and a bizarre temperament that do not belong in the White House. His military heroism alone does not entitle him to coronation as President of the United States. Ideas matter, and understanding problems matters. Judgment matters. His ideas lack depth and detail, his understanding of the real problems facing this nation beyond war remains to be seen after three debates, and his judgment in picking Sarah Palin over Mitt Romney, Tom Ridge, or Tim Pawlenty remains the epitome of pandering, irresponsible recklessness.
The pathway forward for America does not lead through Arizona, no matter how delusional some may wish to be.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Class Discussions on The Senate and The Judiciary Will Continue Monday, October 20, 2008

To all my Fall 2008 students:

Due to Fall Break being scheduled for today and tomorrow, we will not meet again until Monday, October 20, 2008.

Please read the chapters on the Congress and the Judiciary for next week.

Spread the word to other classmates.

I look forward to seeing you on the 20th of October.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

McCain's Policy Shuffle

In the second presidential debate at Belmont University, Senator McCain has now proposed buying up all bad mortgages across the country.
A true small government conservative? Ronald Reagan Part 2?
I think not.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

V.P. Debate Informative

Joe Biden and Sarah Palin gave us a respectful, informative, and insightful debate on Thursday night.
We should all be proud that this American debate worked for the American voter.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Vice-Presidential Contenders To Discuss the Future Tonight

At Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri later this evening, Governor Sarah Palin and Senator Joe Biden will debate the future of the country, and how best to move the United States forward.
America deserves a respectful, thorough, comprehensive discussion of what is at stake in this volatile election year.
Regardless of the outcome, Palin and Biden will do the country and its people a great service if they deliver that.

Our Leaders Must Be Informed, and Must Want To Be

All those who aspire to public service have a moral and ethical obligation to stay current on the state of affairs both nationally and internationally. They must exhibit an insatiable curiosity about the world. Only then can they hope to lead this great, diverse nation in challenging times.

Constitution Must Be Protected From Strict Constructionist Foolishness

We live in the modern world. I respect the wisdom of the Founding Fathers enough that they foresaw that the America of the future would be vastly different from their own. While our core democratic principles are unshakeable, and our ideals are the embodiment of our very best hopes, the Constitution must be more than simply the words on the page from 1787. It is the framework of our government, and that framework is solid. The flesh on those bones of government laid out by the Founders is embodied in the elasticity of the many clauses they themselves drafted, clauses that are deliberately vague and nebulous. Why? To allow for evolving interpretation to cope with an ever-changing world. The Vice-President of the United States must understand that in order to best serve the President and the country.

McCain A Recipe For More of the Same

John McCain continues to echo the same failed policies of the past. It is time to call him on it-again and again.