Thursday, October 16, 2008

Third and Final Debate Displayed Contrast

In their final debate encounter of this election season, John McCain and Barack Obama
displayed the essential difference between them that trumps all others: John McCain's feeble attempt to get "tough" showed him to be an angry, condescending, bitter, erratic man short on details and long on attacks, in contrast to a steady, cool, balanced performance by Obama. Obama spoke to Americans about proposals and plans, while McCain wanted so desperately to knock Obama off stride, that his erratic and borderline goofy behavior-interrupting, cutting Obama off, squinting and grinning ridiculously, fidgeting relentlessly, and walking off stage immediately after the debate with his tongue stuck out like an immature adolescent(caught on film)-showed a complete lack of steadiness and a bizarre temperament that do not belong in the White House. His military heroism alone does not entitle him to coronation as President of the United States. Ideas matter, and understanding problems matters. Judgment matters. His ideas lack depth and detail, his understanding of the real problems facing this nation beyond war remains to be seen after three debates, and his judgment in picking Sarah Palin over Mitt Romney, Tom Ridge, or Tim Pawlenty remains the epitome of pandering, irresponsible recklessness.
The pathway forward for America does not lead through Arizona, no matter how delusional some may wish to be.

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