Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Obama Vetting Process Needs To Be More Careful

As the Obama Administration continues critical negotiations with Congress on the passage of the proposed stimulus packages for the economy that are before both the House and the Senate, his vetting team must take greater care in evaluating potential nominees for federal jobs.

The tax problems of Timothy Geitner, Tom Daschle, and others, and the state contract investigation that is plaguing Governor Bill Richardson, have created problems that the new President doesn't need.

As he seeks to address the economy and other issues, President Obama must not be distracted by the personal troubles of his nominees.

Because his vetting team did not thoroughly evaluate potential nominees, we have a Treasury Secretary who some will not trust, a fine public servant in Tom Daschle who will not be able to work on improving health care, and a Republican Commerce Secretary (Senator Judd Gregg) instead of Obama's preferred choice, Governor Richardson.

A more thorough look at potential nominees will provide an Administration that all Americans can be proud of. So far, the President's batting average with regard to nominees is weaker than it should be.

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