Tuesday, November 4, 2008

A Final Election 2008 Word

My final thoughts as this election day gets underway:

John McCain- a good and decent man, whose policy proposals are just ill-suited for this time in our history.

Sarah Palin- a political lightweight with very little knowledge of national or international affairs, who is a true liability without her cue cards and talking points. A 2012 candidacy? A legion of Republicans with greater experience and more to offer will line up around the block for a chance to clean her clock in the primaries. You want to be President? A word of advice-study, study, STUDY!

Joe Biden- a fine public servant with the knowledge and experience to step in as President should the need arise. A man of middle-class roots who never forgot where he came from. A man who will be a fine Vice-President.

Barack Obama- an example of one of those rare talents, a rare leader who comes along in history only every so often to steer the ship of state away from the rocks of despair, dissent, and disarray. He has already changed American History, win or lose.

My prediction- Senator Barack Obama and Senator Joe Biden will be the next President and Vice-President of the United States of America.

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