Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A Real Opportunity for John Boehner

As the newly seated Congress returns to Washington, D.C. next week, a rare opportunity for compromise and legislative progress exists.
As evidenced by the success of the recently adjourned lame duck Congressional session,Democrats and Republicans can work together to advance the national interest.
The incoming House Speaker, John Boehner (R-OH), can show himself to be a true statesman by cooperating with Democrats in Congress and the Obama Administration on issues where agreement is possible between the parties.
If Boehner hits the ground running on Energy legislation, jobs legislation, and economic and business legislation, great success is possible in the upcoming session of Congress.
If, however, Boehner and his colleagues decide right out of the box to pick fights on health care, foreign policy, and anti-Obama policies simply to deny the President any successes and possible reelection in 2012, then Boehner will lose a historic opportunity to shine in the Speaker's chair he has long coveted.

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