Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Self-Made Billionairess Could Become An Even Bigger Force For Social Good

With the premiere of her new OWN Network on cable this coming Saturday, Oprah Winfrey may conquer the cable world as she has the talk show world for the last 25 years.
Her new network, a 50/50 collaboration with the Discovery Channel, could very well serve as a force for global understanding, empathy, and kindness in an increasingly hectic world that is already exhibiting too little of all three.
And, to the naysayers who criticize the recent Kennedy Center honoree as some conspiratorial entertainer out for world domination, I say: The woman is a self-made billionaire who has done countless acts of goodwill for people the world over.
When you can say the same, then and only then can you dare to malign her.

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