Tuesday, October 5, 2010

National Endowment For the Arts and the National Endowment for The Humanities Are Vital...But Not To Armey

Former House Majority Leader Dick Armey (R-TX) just argued on Parker-Spitzer on CNN two minutes ago that the National Endowment for The Humanities and the National Endowment for the Arts ought to be eliminated as federal programs because they are "useless".

In his view, these things should be handled by the states; in other words, they would be nonexistent at the state level during these tough times.

Generations of American students are better people because the Arts and Humanities have expanded their minds and given them a sense of culture, from the sublime to the outrageous to the inspirational.

That's what a free society does. It opens minds, hearts, and promotes cultural interaction and understanding.

But, then again, the Tea Party minions want to turn back the clock on progress.
Why should the Arts and Humanities be excused from their "Throwback to the Fifties" mentality?

Some things that are worthwhile deserve to be funded, not demonized.

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