Tuesday, October 5, 2010

A Ridiculous Ad

The inexperience and amateurism of Delaware Republican U.S. Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell was on bold display today as the embattled nominee released her first television ad that begins with the statement, "I am not a witch."

Rather than ignoring this point, which erupted when a young O'Donnell said she had "dabbled in witchcraft" years ago as a guest on Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher, candidate O'Donnell chose to REMIND Delaware voters of this negative by starting her ad with it. A Communications 101 undergraduate knows not to begin an ad that is intended to be positive by citing negatives.

This female, who defeated mainstream Republican Delaware Congressman and former Governor Mike Castle in the Delaware Republican Senate primary, has touted her support from the Tea Party and Alaska's Quitter in Chief Sarah Palin, as evidence that she is "one of us" and will make decisions just like "ordinary people" in Washington.

Quite frankly, nothing could be more ridiculous. Thinking people who understand
that serious issues require people of serious intellect and serious stature to address them want skilled professionals who know how to run a government to win elections.

Quitter Palin's hand-picked candidate with zero experience hardly qualifies as U.S. Senate material.

Voters of Delaware Watch Out!

Be Smart!

Don't be fooled!

Save your fine state from stupidity!

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