Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Put Substance Into the Strategy, Democrats!

Dear Democrats:

A Word To The Wise: Stop Using The "Halloween Strategy" as you campaign for the Fall 2010 Midterm elections!

Give the American people positive arguments about what is commendable about your policies...tell them what to vote FOR, not simply what to vote against!

The "Halloween Strategy" of "Vote for us, because the other guys are scarier than we are," is a ridiculous way to minimize congressional losses.

Talk with upbeat confidence about the things Democrats have accomplished since 2008-Financial Reform, Healthcare Reform, economic stimulus that helped to prevent a second Great Depression, and the successful saving of the auto and banking industries.

Don't cower in the corner and play the blame game. Stand up, be affirmative, and FIGHT BACK BY PUTTING YOUR BEST FOOT FORWARD!!!

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