Sunday, August 31, 2008

Nagin Got A Second Chance, And He Knows It

After his part in compounding the national and state ineptitude that failed to deal quickly and effectively with Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin, a Democrat, campaigned ferociously for reelection to that post, and despite the predictions of many observers, myself included, he won reelection as Mayor, defeating his prominent opponent, Democrat Mitch Landrieu, in the Democratic primary.

Landrieu, the son of former New Orleans Democratic Mayor Moon Landrieu and brother of Louisiana's Democratic U.S. Senator, Mary Landrieu, was a tough, effective, and popular candidate. Yet, despite Katrina, Nagin defeated Landrieu for reelection as Mayor.

Nagin knows that second chances are rare in American politics, but he got one.

He is leading the charge for evacuation from New Orleans in the face of Hurricane Gustav, and rightfully so.

By being proactive, he can justify his reelection and the people's faith in giving him a second chance. If he is successful in helping his people, he could parlay the support into further political distinction in Louisiana politics.

If not, he is toast.

McCain and Obama Monitor Gustav, Bush Makes Right Choice

I am pleased to see that President Bush is being proactive with regard to Hurricane Gustav's impending ferocity, and that he has chosen to stand with the frightened people of the Gulf Coast instead of attending the Republican National Convention in St.Paul. He finally has acknowledged his administration's terribly inept response to Hurrican Katrina, and the horrible aftermath it helped create.

Senator Obama and his staff have been in contact with first responders and the medical and evacuation officials along the Gulf Coast to offer whatever assistance that is needed, and Senator McCain has consulted with the Southern Governors along the storm's pathway both in person and through surrogates to offer assistance and guidance as well.

Both Democrats and Republicans must continue to acknowledge that when combatting a potential national disaster, unity works better than division.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Democratic Ticket Hits The Road

Acknowledging that they will not cede any region to the Republicans in the election of 2008, The Obama-Biden ticket left Denver and traveled to Beaver and Pittsburgh, PA to campaign in the working class areas of the Rust Belt that the Democrats must retain in their column, and that the Republicans covet. From there, the ticket will travel to both Ohio and Michigan on their Bus Tour with their wives, Michelle and Jill, to continue reaching out to the voters in need of inspiration and hope in this campaign.

Continuing their theme of being civil to their opponents on a personal level, the Obama-Biden ticket called to congratulate Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska on her selection as John McCain's running mate, and welcomed her to the campaign of ideas.

The Democratic Ticket is wise to continue moving, working, speaking, inspiring, and delivering its message of hope for the future as the GOP officially nominates McCain-Palin in St. Paul this week.

I predict we will see a Republican Convention that rallies around The Alaska Governor as a candidate who is a reformer and a challenger of authority.

Palin vs.Putin? I Don't Think So

On August 12, 2008 in Pennsylvania, John McCain accused Vladimir Putin of wanting to reestablish the old Soviet Empire. While I think he may be right, how does he prepare to face down the rising, reemerging Russian bear?

He picks a little known, zero foreign policy experience Alaska Governor to be one 72 year old heartbeat away from the presidency.

Tell us Senator, how is Governor Palin's ZERO experience better for us than Senator Obama's 4 year Senatorial experience dealing with international issues, and Senator Biden's 35 years.

Shame on you for pandering to women so blatantly.

Gustav, He's A Comin'

America Beware!

Hurricane Gustav is approaching the Gulf Coast at breakneck speed as of this writing.

I mention it only because the Bush Team that brought you Hurricane Katrina: Preparation? What Preparation? is still in Washington with its crackerjack FEMA Team and poor response time.

Here's hoping that there will be some Gulf Coast left standing if Gustav hits. I would like to hope that our leaders learned their lesson, but they are preoccupied with retaining the White House and convincing America that Sarah Palin deserves to be the nation's next Vice-President.

After all, let's be fair. You can only keep so many balls in the air at one time.

John Edwards Should Take More Time

John Edwards is set to speak on issues at an event on September 8, 2008.

The legions of supporters who were with him in 2004 and 2008 are not yet ready to forgive the former Senator and Vice-Presidential nominee for the extramarital affair that betrayed his wife Elizabeth.

If Senator Edwards ever hopes to be considered an expert on his signature issue of fighting poverty again, then he must take more time to let the dust settle, and to respect his supporters and his wife enough to allow them to start the healing process with him.

One month is not enough time to do so.

Friday, August 29, 2008

An Insult To Condi Rice

Though Secretary of State Rice would have brought tremendous liabilities to the McCain ticket in the form of the Bush foreign policy, she is a University of Denver Ph.D. in International Affairs with an M.A. from Notre Dame who served as provost, or chief financial officer of Stanford University for six years.

This is a woman who has run a huge academic corporation (Stanford), served as Assistant National Security Council Advisor under Brent Scowcroft in Bush I for Soviet/Russian Affairs, served as National Security Adv sor and Secretary of State.

The failure of Bush foreign policy could more readily be laid at the feet of Bush II, Cheney, and Rumsfeld.

Condi is appealing to the people of the South (she's from Alabama), to women (obviously), to people of color (obviously), and she espouses moderate Republican social views on issues like gay rights, guns, and affirmative action. Furthermore, as a resident of the state of California, a major Democratic stronghold currently run by The Arnold, Dr. Rice would have helped the Republicans put California in play in 2008.

It is true that Dr. Rice said she was uninterested in the role of Vice-President, but she also said the same in the past about the posts of National Security Advisor and Secretary of State.

A good Democrat-turned-Republican, a concert pianist, and the daughter of a Southern preacher who once LIVED in a church in Alabama, Condi should have been given the honor of being vetted on the McCain short list. Instead, she got a "thanks, but no thanks."

Whether McCain-Palin reaches the White House or not, one thing is certain-Sarah Palin's work in Alaska on issues like the Alaska landscape, oil drilling rights, and as the former Mayor of Wasilla (population 9,000) does not make her ready to stand toe-to-toe with the likes of Vladimir Putin, Hu Jintao, Kim Jong il, Mahmoud Abbas, Osama Bin Laden, Muqtada Al Sadir, Al Qaeda, the Iranian Theocracy, Saudi insurgents, Afghan tribal clashes, Hugo Chavez, and islamic fundamentalists worldwide.

Comparatively speaking, even with her flaws, Dr. Condoleeza Rice is ready to step into the presidency on Day One. Sarah Palin is not.

Ignoring her insults her, the Republican base, and those who want to believe that John McCain is a true reformer. Palin is a double at best among women. Several Republican women, including Dr. Condoleeza Rice, would have been a better possibility for a Homerun.

McCain-Palin Ticket Faces United Front

Senator John McCain and Governor Sarah Palin, while a unique pairing for unique times, face a united Democratic Party Juggernaut that is hungry for change, outraged by scandal, tired of West Wing exile, and connected to the pain of the country's poor, sick, overlooked, overworked, marginalized, and underpaid masses.

The combination of Al Gore's environmental prowess and long memory of 2000, John Kerry's disgust of attacks on his patriotism in 2004, Howard Dean's fanatical commitment to being competitive in all fifty states, Hillary Clinton's progressive Democratic army of women and middle class whites with something to prove, Bill Clinton's ability to frame a political argument and his desire to reinforce his legacy by helping the ticket in 2008, Joseph Biden's working class values, foreign policy expertise, and his street fighting/knife fighting love of a good political battle, and Barack Obama's groundbreaking rise to prominence and unifying message of overcoming the political divisions of the partisan past, makes for a coming Clash of the Titans of monumental proportions!

Who can McCain and Palin count on to back them up-big oil, big business, the most unpopular President in modern times, the Vice-President who has been called "the most secretive Vice-President in U.S. History," Condi, Rummy, Scooter, Karl rove, oh my!

Other McCain Choices Would Have Been Better

Dear John,

What were you thinking?

Charlie Crist would have delivered Florida.

Mitt Romney passed a version of universal health care in Massachusetts.

Tom Ridge is a decorated veteran, and working class ex-govervor of Pennsylvania.

Joe Lieberman, the former Democrat, would have driven Democrats certifiably nuts.

Mike Huckabee is a darling of the Conservative Christian right-wing you badly need.

And, if the female gender really did catch your fancy, then what about Sen. Olympia Snowe of Maine, or Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison of Texas, two prominent Republican women with state experience AND familiarity in navigating the often fickle waters of international affairs?

Eat your wheaties and your prunes, John. And drink lots of juice. You'd better stay healthy, lest your choice finds herself in the deep end of the pool without a life preserver.

Historic Veep Choice Could Be Bad For McCain

Though John McCain's selection of Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska as his running mate, a historic first for a Republican, does him some immediate good prior to his convention, the long term ramifications of the choice are frightening.

By selecting her, McCain relinquished his best weapon in the fight against Barack Obama-the argument that Obama does not have sufficient experience to be Commander-in -Chief. So his answer is to pick a Governor of an uncommon state with no experience at all in national issues to be one heartbeat away from the presidency. Experience is now off the table as a club to attack Obama.

Having a virtual unknown on the national stage as his running mate reignites the issue of McCain's age at just the wrong time. A 72 year old man weakened from years in captivity and already a cancer survivor several times over would have been better served by someone truly ready to stand toe-to-toe with the Chinese, the Russians, and Osama Bin Laden in the event of a President McCain's demise. Sarah Palin is not that person.

If this choice was supposed to capture the hearts and minds of Clinton supporters simply because she is a woman, Senator McCain misses the point. Clinton supporters won't flock to Palin because the issue is not that Palin is a woman, it's that she's not THE woman.

Fine governor, fine woman, fine mother, former fisherperson, pro-life Catholic, and spouse of an oil industry worker...but Vice-President of the United States?

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Former President Draws a Line in the Sand

Former President Bill Clinton drew the clearest distinction yet between a possible McCain Presidency and a possible Obama Presidency in his remarks earlier this evening at the Democratic National Convention in Denver.

Reiterating his wife's message of support for Senator Obama's bid from last night, Bill Clinton reminded Democrats, Independents, and all Americans that a successful foreign policy means understanding and utilizing diplomacy, that four more years of Bush-style economic policies geared only to the wealthiest among us will not grow the economy or expand the middle class innovators who are the driving engine of progress in America, and that "people have always been moved more by the power of our example than by the example of our power."

By urging all Democrats to unite behind Barack Obama and to take the fight to John McCain, Bill Clinton proved once again that only together can Democrats become a united force for change, and that we should "still believe in a place called Hope."

John's still thinking

Will it be Mitt, Charlie, Bobby, Haley, Tom, Colin, Sarah, Condi, Tim, Mike, Jeb, Rick, Kay, or ...?

Who knows? John McCain knows!

Homerun for Hillary

To her credit, Senator Hillary Clinton did what she needed to do on the second night of the Democratic National Convention-she expressed her unapolegetic support of Senator Barack Obama and his running mate Joe Biden, and she urged those who supported her during the campaign to do the same. She took aim at John McCain and his uncanny resemblance to President George W. Bush in this election cycle, and she united the wings of the Democratic Party. She will now work on behalf of the ticket, as all good Democrats should.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Obvious Choice for McCain?

In addition to the vast list of contenders to join Senator McCain's ticket mentioned in my previous posting, one should also be conscious of the nationwide movement that has sprung up around the possibility of Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney joining the ticket.

He would bring business and economic experience to the Republican ticket, shoring up McCain's admitted weaknesses in these areas, and would no doubt project the family man theme that was a major part of his 2008 presidential bid, which, luckily for the Republicans, happens to be true.

His appeal to fellow Mormons would bring many of those voters into the process, and his victory in securing a version of universal health coverage in Massachusetts while Governor there could help the GOP win Independents and some disaffected Democrats.

On the flip side, Romney wrote the book on shifting political positions in the 2008 race, second only to John McCain himself, some would say. A Vice-Presidential FlipFlopper joining the Panderer -in-Chief on the Republican ticket might NOT create the desired effect.

Nonetheless, John McCain is nobody's fool, and to not consider Romney would be a mistake for him. Romney's youth and vitality alone make him a supremely attractive candidate for serious examination.

PoliForum: A New Place for Enlightened and Intelligent Dialogue

You have entered the realm of the PoliForum, where there is a continual, conscious commitment to equal opportunity- equal opportunity to discuss and analyze current events, public policy, and domestic and international affairs in a civil, respectful and honorable way. Courtesy, decency, and dignity are the coins of the realm in the PoliForum.
As the first night of the 2008 Democratic National Convention has just drawn to a close, members of the Democratic Party can be proud of three things:

  • The articulate and genuine speech of Mrs. Michelle Obama, further introducing her husband and her family to the American people. She showed poise, stage presence, intelligence, wit, charm, commitment, and class. She paid tribute to the Dream of Dr. King, to the accomplishments of Senator Hillary Clinton, and to the dedication of her mother and father. She painted a portrait for the delegates in the hall and the citizens at home of her love for her husband, and for the partnership they share.
  • The inspirational appearance of Senator Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts, and the uplifting message of hope that he believes Barack Obama represents for new generations of Americans. Clearly, all loyal Democrats of all varieties stand shoulder to shoulder with the "Lion of the U.S. Senate" as he faces a serious health problem with courage and optimism. Despite his personal challenges, Ted Kennedy fired up the troops, calling on them to follow the vision of Barack Obama the way that so many followed the dreams of his brother, President John F. Kennedy, as they entered into lives of public service.
  • The inspired choice last Saturday, August 23,2008, of Delaware U.S. Senator Joseph R. Biden, Jr. by Senator Obama as the 2008 Democratic Vice-Presidential running mate. Senator Biden's presence in the convention hall last night served as a rallying point for Democrats in Denver and across the nation as they seek to carry forward the Obama-Biden message of change for America. His working class roots and his appeal to Catholics, women, and middle class voters in the rust belt and the mid-atlantic, coupled with his vast experience in foreign policy and constitutional jurisprudence as the Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and past Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, make him the right man to join Barack Obama during this crucial time in American history.

But, not to be outdone, presumptive Republican nominee Senator John McCain also continues to captivate the American people with his own Vice-Presidential search. The possibilities are an impressive list of contenders, including:

  • Governor Charlie Crist (R-FL)
  • Governor Tim Pawlenty (R-MN)
  • Governor Haley Barbour (R-MS)
  • Governor Bobby Jindal (R-LA)
  • Governor Sarah Palin (R-Alaska)
  • Former Governor Mike Huckabee (R-Ark)
  • Former Governor Tom Ridge (R-PA)
  • Governor Rick Perry (R-TX)
  • Secretary of State Dr. Condoleeza Rice
  • Former Secretary of State Colin Powell
  • General David Petraeus
  • Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX)
  • Senator Joseph Lieberman (I-CT)
  • Senator George Voinevich (R-OH)
  • Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC)
  • Senator Elizabeth Dole (R-NC)
  • Former Senator Fred Thompson (R- TN)
  • Former Hewlitt-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina
  • Former Governor Jeb Bush (R-FL)
  • Senator John Cornyn (R-TX)

Who will it be? Only Senator McCain knows, and you can bet he will do exactly what Senator Obama did-savor the element of mystery surrounding his choice as long as possible, maximize the effectiveness and derive as much political capital as possible from his selection. Any of the aforementioned choices would complement a McCain ticket well, and would fill in for his obvious weaknesses on economic issues, immigration policy, and understanding the plight of citizens whose spouses are not the heirs to beer fortunes. The McCain running mate will strengthen the GOP ticket, presumably, the way that Senator Biden does for Senator Obama in the area of foreign policy.

So, I hope to see you here in the PoliForum, where empowering thought is the ultimate goal.

With regard to the 2008 election, as they used to say-Let the games begin.