Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Former President Draws a Line in the Sand

Former President Bill Clinton drew the clearest distinction yet between a possible McCain Presidency and a possible Obama Presidency in his remarks earlier this evening at the Democratic National Convention in Denver.

Reiterating his wife's message of support for Senator Obama's bid from last night, Bill Clinton reminded Democrats, Independents, and all Americans that a successful foreign policy means understanding and utilizing diplomacy, that four more years of Bush-style economic policies geared only to the wealthiest among us will not grow the economy or expand the middle class innovators who are the driving engine of progress in America, and that "people have always been moved more by the power of our example than by the example of our power."

By urging all Democrats to unite behind Barack Obama and to take the fight to John McCain, Bill Clinton proved once again that only together can Democrats become a united force for change, and that we should "still believe in a place called Hope."

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