Friday, August 29, 2008

Other McCain Choices Would Have Been Better

Dear John,

What were you thinking?

Charlie Crist would have delivered Florida.

Mitt Romney passed a version of universal health care in Massachusetts.

Tom Ridge is a decorated veteran, and working class ex-govervor of Pennsylvania.

Joe Lieberman, the former Democrat, would have driven Democrats certifiably nuts.

Mike Huckabee is a darling of the Conservative Christian right-wing you badly need.

And, if the female gender really did catch your fancy, then what about Sen. Olympia Snowe of Maine, or Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison of Texas, two prominent Republican women with state experience AND familiarity in navigating the often fickle waters of international affairs?

Eat your wheaties and your prunes, John. And drink lots of juice. You'd better stay healthy, lest your choice finds herself in the deep end of the pool without a life preserver.

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