Friday, August 29, 2008

McCain-Palin Ticket Faces United Front

Senator John McCain and Governor Sarah Palin, while a unique pairing for unique times, face a united Democratic Party Juggernaut that is hungry for change, outraged by scandal, tired of West Wing exile, and connected to the pain of the country's poor, sick, overlooked, overworked, marginalized, and underpaid masses.

The combination of Al Gore's environmental prowess and long memory of 2000, John Kerry's disgust of attacks on his patriotism in 2004, Howard Dean's fanatical commitment to being competitive in all fifty states, Hillary Clinton's progressive Democratic army of women and middle class whites with something to prove, Bill Clinton's ability to frame a political argument and his desire to reinforce his legacy by helping the ticket in 2008, Joseph Biden's working class values, foreign policy expertise, and his street fighting/knife fighting love of a good political battle, and Barack Obama's groundbreaking rise to prominence and unifying message of overcoming the political divisions of the partisan past, makes for a coming Clash of the Titans of monumental proportions!

Who can McCain and Palin count on to back them up-big oil, big business, the most unpopular President in modern times, the Vice-President who has been called "the most secretive Vice-President in U.S. History," Condi, Rummy, Scooter, Karl rove, oh my!

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