Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Obvious Choice for McCain?

In addition to the vast list of contenders to join Senator McCain's ticket mentioned in my previous posting, one should also be conscious of the nationwide movement that has sprung up around the possibility of Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney joining the ticket.

He would bring business and economic experience to the Republican ticket, shoring up McCain's admitted weaknesses in these areas, and would no doubt project the family man theme that was a major part of his 2008 presidential bid, which, luckily for the Republicans, happens to be true.

His appeal to fellow Mormons would bring many of those voters into the process, and his victory in securing a version of universal health coverage in Massachusetts while Governor there could help the GOP win Independents and some disaffected Democrats.

On the flip side, Romney wrote the book on shifting political positions in the 2008 race, second only to John McCain himself, some would say. A Vice-Presidential FlipFlopper joining the Panderer -in-Chief on the Republican ticket might NOT create the desired effect.

Nonetheless, John McCain is nobody's fool, and to not consider Romney would be a mistake for him. Romney's youth and vitality alone make him a supremely attractive candidate for serious examination.

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