Friday, August 29, 2008

An Insult To Condi Rice

Though Secretary of State Rice would have brought tremendous liabilities to the McCain ticket in the form of the Bush foreign policy, she is a University of Denver Ph.D. in International Affairs with an M.A. from Notre Dame who served as provost, or chief financial officer of Stanford University for six years.

This is a woman who has run a huge academic corporation (Stanford), served as Assistant National Security Council Advisor under Brent Scowcroft in Bush I for Soviet/Russian Affairs, served as National Security Adv sor and Secretary of State.

The failure of Bush foreign policy could more readily be laid at the feet of Bush II, Cheney, and Rumsfeld.

Condi is appealing to the people of the South (she's from Alabama), to women (obviously), to people of color (obviously), and she espouses moderate Republican social views on issues like gay rights, guns, and affirmative action. Furthermore, as a resident of the state of California, a major Democratic stronghold currently run by The Arnold, Dr. Rice would have helped the Republicans put California in play in 2008.

It is true that Dr. Rice said she was uninterested in the role of Vice-President, but she also said the same in the past about the posts of National Security Advisor and Secretary of State.

A good Democrat-turned-Republican, a concert pianist, and the daughter of a Southern preacher who once LIVED in a church in Alabama, Condi should have been given the honor of being vetted on the McCain short list. Instead, she got a "thanks, but no thanks."

Whether McCain-Palin reaches the White House or not, one thing is certain-Sarah Palin's work in Alaska on issues like the Alaska landscape, oil drilling rights, and as the former Mayor of Wasilla (population 9,000) does not make her ready to stand toe-to-toe with the likes of Vladimir Putin, Hu Jintao, Kim Jong il, Mahmoud Abbas, Osama Bin Laden, Muqtada Al Sadir, Al Qaeda, the Iranian Theocracy, Saudi insurgents, Afghan tribal clashes, Hugo Chavez, and islamic fundamentalists worldwide.

Comparatively speaking, even with her flaws, Dr. Condoleeza Rice is ready to step into the presidency on Day One. Sarah Palin is not.

Ignoring her insults her, the Republican base, and those who want to believe that John McCain is a true reformer. Palin is a double at best among women. Several Republican women, including Dr. Condoleeza Rice, would have been a better possibility for a Homerun.

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