Tuesday, August 26, 2008

PoliForum: A New Place for Enlightened and Intelligent Dialogue

You have entered the realm of the PoliForum, where there is a continual, conscious commitment to equal opportunity- equal opportunity to discuss and analyze current events, public policy, and domestic and international affairs in a civil, respectful and honorable way. Courtesy, decency, and dignity are the coins of the realm in the PoliForum.
As the first night of the 2008 Democratic National Convention has just drawn to a close, members of the Democratic Party can be proud of three things:

  • The articulate and genuine speech of Mrs. Michelle Obama, further introducing her husband and her family to the American people. She showed poise, stage presence, intelligence, wit, charm, commitment, and class. She paid tribute to the Dream of Dr. King, to the accomplishments of Senator Hillary Clinton, and to the dedication of her mother and father. She painted a portrait for the delegates in the hall and the citizens at home of her love for her husband, and for the partnership they share.
  • The inspirational appearance of Senator Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts, and the uplifting message of hope that he believes Barack Obama represents for new generations of Americans. Clearly, all loyal Democrats of all varieties stand shoulder to shoulder with the "Lion of the U.S. Senate" as he faces a serious health problem with courage and optimism. Despite his personal challenges, Ted Kennedy fired up the troops, calling on them to follow the vision of Barack Obama the way that so many followed the dreams of his brother, President John F. Kennedy, as they entered into lives of public service.
  • The inspired choice last Saturday, August 23,2008, of Delaware U.S. Senator Joseph R. Biden, Jr. by Senator Obama as the 2008 Democratic Vice-Presidential running mate. Senator Biden's presence in the convention hall last night served as a rallying point for Democrats in Denver and across the nation as they seek to carry forward the Obama-Biden message of change for America. His working class roots and his appeal to Catholics, women, and middle class voters in the rust belt and the mid-atlantic, coupled with his vast experience in foreign policy and constitutional jurisprudence as the Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and past Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, make him the right man to join Barack Obama during this crucial time in American history.

But, not to be outdone, presumptive Republican nominee Senator John McCain also continues to captivate the American people with his own Vice-Presidential search. The possibilities are an impressive list of contenders, including:

  • Governor Charlie Crist (R-FL)
  • Governor Tim Pawlenty (R-MN)
  • Governor Haley Barbour (R-MS)
  • Governor Bobby Jindal (R-LA)
  • Governor Sarah Palin (R-Alaska)
  • Former Governor Mike Huckabee (R-Ark)
  • Former Governor Tom Ridge (R-PA)
  • Governor Rick Perry (R-TX)
  • Secretary of State Dr. Condoleeza Rice
  • Former Secretary of State Colin Powell
  • General David Petraeus
  • Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX)
  • Senator Joseph Lieberman (I-CT)
  • Senator George Voinevich (R-OH)
  • Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC)
  • Senator Elizabeth Dole (R-NC)
  • Former Senator Fred Thompson (R- TN)
  • Former Hewlitt-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina
  • Former Governor Jeb Bush (R-FL)
  • Senator John Cornyn (R-TX)

Who will it be? Only Senator McCain knows, and you can bet he will do exactly what Senator Obama did-savor the element of mystery surrounding his choice as long as possible, maximize the effectiveness and derive as much political capital as possible from his selection. Any of the aforementioned choices would complement a McCain ticket well, and would fill in for his obvious weaknesses on economic issues, immigration policy, and understanding the plight of citizens whose spouses are not the heirs to beer fortunes. The McCain running mate will strengthen the GOP ticket, presumably, the way that Senator Biden does for Senator Obama in the area of foreign policy.

So, I hope to see you here in the PoliForum, where empowering thought is the ultimate goal.

With regard to the 2008 election, as they used to say-Let the games begin.

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