Saturday, September 27, 2008

Debate #1 Refreshing For Americans

The American people saw a truly detailed debate last night between this year's presidential candidates, and we are all better off because of it.
John McCain showed that he still has some detail left in him, and Barack Obama showed that he is certainly capable enough to stand on the stage at this level.
Regardless of the outcome, American voters should be grateful for a look into this critical process.
It is a commentary on why we still remain the greatest democracy on the face of the earth.

Senator Kennedy Returns Home

Senator Kennedy returned home from the hospital last night after a mild seizure caused by an adjustment in his medication. All Americans, regardless of their political views, send their wishes to the Lion of the Senate, as he fights his illness.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Sarah Palin's Recent Comments On Israel Are Cluttered and Wacky

If you can find a sequential response that makes any sense in this portion of Sarah Palin's Katie Couric Interview on CBS about America's ability to disagree with Israel, then you are a better person than I am.

Sarah Palin's Problems Make Her A Risky Choice

Sarah Palin's litany of difficulties make her nomination for Vice-President increasingly hard to believe.

Sarah Palin's Discussions Show Weaknesses and Naivete

The Republican Vice-Presidential candidate, in her interview with Charles Gibson of ABC, demonstrated a terribly naive grasp of national and international affairs.

Biden Will Continue To Check McCain Facts

Senator Joe Biden, while acknowledging the gentlemanly friendship that he and Senator John McCain have had for years in the Senate, will continue to point out inaccuracies in John McCain's record. This is not inappropriate. In fact, it is quite common in presidential election years.

Obama Should Be Seen As A Candidate, Not A Black Candidate

Citizens with an open mind believe Senator Barack Obama should be judged as a candidate with ideas, not simply as a black candidate, as comedian Chris Rock recently shared with Larry King.

American Labor Force Has A Friend in Kennedy

All American laborers have a friend in Senator Edward M. Kennedy (D-MA), hospitalized tonight in Massachusetts.
From the farm worker, to the line worker, to the factory worker, American labor joins the Democratic Party in sending prayers and good wishes to Senator Kennedy tonight.

Debate Important For American People...Stunt Was Foolish

With twenty minutes remaining until the start of the first presidential debate of this season, it is important to remind everyone that presidential debates and the discussion of presidential candidates' ideas are a vital service for the American voter and should go on despite the economic turmoil we find ourselves in.
John McCain's pathetic stunt, the "suspending" of his campaign and suggested boycott of tonight's debate to help formulate the congressional bailout of America's financial system, was a dismal failure. His effect in Washington was nothing but a distraction for both Republican and Democratic lawmakers charged with the responsibility of crafting a legislative remedy, and when faced with the possibility of leaving the stage to Barack Obama in a town-hall format, McCain panicked and backed off, agreeing to debate in Mississippi at Ole Miss after all.
We've heard nothing but continuous blather about how tough and courageous John McCain is.
Courage means more than just surviving the enemy in a military conflict. A Commander-in-Chief can't simply "suspend" activities when the going gets tough. The American people want to know what his stands on the issues are-all the issues.
I'm glad to see that the Arizona senator decided to put the American people first tonight, rather than cheap political theater.
It is about time.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Russian Navy Sends Squadron to Venezuela

At the behest of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, who continues to assert that the United States poses a military threat to his country, the Russian Federation dispatched a naval squadron to Latin America, the first such move by America's rival since the Cold War.
We cannot tolerate such an aggressive move by the Russians, who seek to wield greater influence in America's backyard. Their maneuver is no doubt a response to America's proposed expansion of NATO to include Ukraine and Georgia, countries that border Russia.
We must seek to expand our dialogue and our economic aid with Latin America, so that we are its preferred benefactor, not Russia. Furthermore, we must deploy U.S. naval forces of our own to once again enforce the integrity of The Monroe Doctrine, and The Roosevelt Corollary to it.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

China Must Continue To Be Engaged By The West

A President McCain or a President Obama must continue to engage China in a positive and constructive way where we have interests in common, while still challenging it in areas needing vast improvement. Bipartisan advice and cooperation will be key here.

India and Russia Will Continue to Challenge Bipartisan Foreign Policy

As these foreign policy experts from both parties make clear, both India and Russia will continue to challenge the effectiveness and the imagination of American Foreign Policy in years to come.

Afghanistan a Particular Challenge For Bipartisanship

No area of the world will require as unique a bipartisan solution than the situation in Afghanistan.

Bipartisan Foreign Policy Advice Is Imperative Part 2

Bipartisanship in Foreign Affairs is no longer a luxury, but a necessity in today's volatile international climate.

Next President Must Seek Bipartisan Advice on Foreign Policy

Whoever wins the 2008 race for the White House must be far more willing than our current President to seek bipartisan advice and expertise in the area of Foreign Policy, as the attached video and subsequent ones demonstrate. No one party has cornered the market on intelligence, brains, insight, or diplomacy, as the Bush Administration would have us believe.

We Must Help Working Families

In response to the incredible financial turmoil of the past week, which saw the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers, the purchase of Merrill Lynch by Bank Of America, and the government bailouts of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and AIG Insurance, both presidential campaigns have stepped up their discussions of economic policies, as this Obama discussion demonstrates.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

We Must Never Forget

On this, the seventh anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in New York, Washington, and Pennsylvania, we are reminded how fragile our lives and our freedom really are.
They are precious commodities, and we must seek every day to protect them.
We must honor those innocents who lost their lives in these senseless and shameful acts of cowardice by our enemies, enemies we must hunt to the ends of the earth.
Let us all pray for the souls of our fallen brothers and sisters.
We shall never forget them.

Democratic Convention Oratory #6

Here is yet another example of fine Democratic Convention oratory, the 1968 Democratic Convention Keynote Address, delivered by U.S. Senator Daniel K. Inouye (D-HI).

1968 DNC Keynote Speech in text in PDF

DNC In Denver-In A Minute

In case you missed it, I thought I would summarize in a quick minute the 2008 Democratic National Convention in Denver, Colorado.

RNC in St. Paul- In a Minute

Just in case you missed the Republican National Convention, I thought you might enjoy a brief, one minute summary.

Democratic Convention Oratory #5

Here is a fifth example of high quality Democratic Convention oratory:

Barbara Jordan delivers keynote address to Democratic National Convention

Democratic Convention Oratory #4

Here is a fourth fine example of Democratic Convention oratory:

Democratic Convention Oratory #3

Here is a third example of fine Democratic Convention oratory:

Ann Richards 1988 DNC Keynote Speech

Democratic Convention Oratory #2

Here is a second example of fine Democratic Party Convention Oratory.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Palin's Great Speech? Dems Have Had Their Fair Share #1

Contrary to the prevailing opinion, Sarah Palin's RNC Speech did not break any new standards for fiery, red meat, political base-exhilarating words.
In fact, the Democrats have a long history of real crowd-pleasing, foot- stomping convention speeches. The Republicans do not own the realm of effective convention oratory, not by any stretch of the imagination.
Democratic Convention oratory example #1:

McCain and Palin-Diversions Rather Than Issues

The American people of all political persuasions, Republicans and Democrats both, must demand better from their candidates than cheap, ridiculous diversions.
Rather than discussing its ideas for the future, the McCain-Palin ticket would rather engage in semantic word play with Senator Obama, over his comparison of the McCain economic policies and their uncanny resemblance to the Bush-Cheney policies, as the same old pig, only with lipstick.
The GOP attempt to say that Obama was making a veiled reference to the Palin RNC speech and her "pitbull with lipstick" comment is complete nonsense of the most ridiculous kind, as the following ABC video link shows.
Don't be fooled America! Issues really do matter! And, this lipstick foolishness is a monumental waste of time!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Is Michelle Hiding Something?

While I feel that Bill O'Reilly is a commentator who cares more about his own ego than reporting the news, the above video does raise an interesting point.
At the RNC Convention, "The View" co-host Elisabeth Hasselbeck was quoted as saying that Mrs. McCain visited the show and put no preconditions on what she could be asked, while Mrs. Obama did rule out certain questions.
This implied to Hasselbeck that Mrs. Obama might have something to hide.
I'm not sure I can read that much into Mrs. Obama's request, but one thing is certain, both potential First Ladies are not afraid to go on television, or to speak on television, or even, in the case of Mrs. Obama, to dance alongside Ellen DeGeneres
on her talkshow.
Both Cindy McCain and Michelle Obama are capable women. They may have different personalities and different styles, but I believe that each could bring refreshing new insights to the White House.

Palin's Religious Heritage Must Be Examined

While Religious Freedom is a hallmark of this great nation, the fact is that Sarah Palin is an unknown quantity to Americans, plucked from obscurity by Senator John McCain a week ago.
Unlike McCain, Obama, and Biden, Palin did not undergo the intense scrutiny of the presidential primaries.
We are now on a limited campaign calendar, and the American people are entitled to know as much about this newcomer as possible.
Though now a member of a community church since her entry into politics, her prior religious influences are just as relevant for examination as all the yelling and screaming about Obama's former Pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, this past summer and spring.
As much as the Republican Party would like to wrap itself in the flag and the Bible, and attack Obama for his early relgious influences, that double standard will not work. Sarah Palin's beliefs will influence her policy views just like anybody else in public life.
The American people are entitled to know what those beliefs are.

Palin Should Not Be Above Public Scrutiny

Despite the interview that Governor Palin has now agreed to give, the scrutiny of her must continue to be intense, and far more reaching.
She is auditioning for the second most powerful job in the country, and she should not be let off the hook.
The scrutiny of her must be just as intense as that for Obama, McCain, and Biden. No Exceptions.

Let's Begin To Really Examine Palin Land

While I applaud Governor Palin's decision to finally engage in an interview this Thursday and Friday, it is high time that she be subjected to the same level of scrutiny as McCain, Obama, and Biden.
She calls herself a maverick, and touts her Alaska record...well, people should look at all pieces of her background and her record, the same as with the other three candidates.

Bravo Governor Palin

Bravo to the Vice-Presidential nominee of the Republican Party!
Governor Palin has finally consented to an interview over two days with ABC's Charles Gibson!
The interview will take place in Alaska this Thursday and Friday.
Continue to step up to the plate Governor.
The American people deserve that.

Senator Obama: Stick to the Issues, Your Strong Suit

Today, Senator Obama's attempt to be witty at a campaign stop was a move he should avoid. Referring to Sarah Palin as, "Governor, Mother, and Moose shooter...that's cool stuff," could be interpreted by some of the more ignorant elements of our populus as a derogatory comment.
Avoid such jabs Senator. You have great strength on the issues. Play to your strengths. That is always the best strategy, in any endeavor, including campaigns.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Senator Obama: Play Your Game, Not Theirs

Senator Obama, you stated on This Week with George Stephanopoulos that you didn't feel Sarah Palin was qualified to be Vice-President.
While I agree with you, let me give you a piece of unsolicited advice, if I may, as a citizen of the U.S.
Prove to the American people in this campaign that the Obama-Biden ticket is better qualified to govern by example, not by playing the GOP's game of clashing words.
Prove she is less qualified by showcasing the power of your progressive ideals and ideas, in contrast to her regurgitation of GOP poll-tested sound bites.
She and Senator McCain claim to "talk the talk" of reform and change.
Show them both how to "walk the walk".

Palin Absent

The luster of her newness is now over.
It is time for the Republican Vice-Presidential nominee to take interviews with the press.
Aside from a photo permitted for PEOPLE magazine, Palin has done no interviews.
Governor, if you are afraid of giving interviews to American journalists, I must question how fearless you will be when faced with Vladmir Putin, Hu Jintao, Kim Jong il, and Osama Bin Laden.
You want to be Vice-President, huh?
Vice-Presidents don't exist in a vacuum or in rooms filled only with their supporters.
Talk to reporters and to the world, or you have no right to the mantle of the Vice-Presidency.

Like It Or Not, Age Is An Issue

While we can all agree that John McCain is a hero with a compelling life story, his age is an issue in this campaign whether McCain-Palin likes it or not.
The GOP Convention showcased the senator's mother, Roberta, a spry and nimble woman in her 90's, as evidence of John McCain's potential longevity, and that display is certainly a valid one.
But there is another equally valid display with regard to longevity that McCain-Palin would rather not highlight.
John McCain just turned 72 years old.
His father, a U.S. Navy Admiral, died at the age of 70, two years younger than the senator is right now.
His grandfather, also a U.S. Navy Admiral, died at the age of 61, eleven years younger than the senator is right now.
The life expectancy of the American male currently stands at 75.4 years old, a mere three years older than the senator's current age.
One presidential term is, of course, a four year commitment.
The Republican Party can try to distract the nation all it wants from the age issue with patriotism, heroism, flags, beautiful family images, and a Vice-Presidential newcomer to the national and international stage all it wants. And those images are certainly relevant ones.
But the 800 pound gorilla issue in the room is that John McCain wants to be awarded the most powerful elective office in the world at an age when corporations, universities, and even some churches have long since relegated their most senior members to at best, supporting roles in their organizations. It is precisely at the advanced age of 72, when many other organizations have long since promoted younger professionals whose mental acuity, open-mindedness, and psychological reflexes are sharper and better suited for the advancement and prosperity of their organizations, that John McCain asks to be given control of the nuclear launchcodes.
Experience is fine, but the physical and mental weakening that is an inevitable consequence of aging cannot, and should not, be overlooked in this campaign.

Inhofe Proves Again What a Fool Really Is

In a recent interview with The Tulsa World, U.S. Senator James Inhofe (R-Oklahoma) said, "You have to ask yourself, do you really want a Commander-in-Chief who I'm not sure really loves his country?" in reference to Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama.
At no time during the 2008 presidential race has Senator Obama said or implied that he doesn't love his country, so Inhofe ought to watch his inflammatory words and his mouth. For one United States Senator to question the patriotism of another on totally baseless grounds says far more about the the kind of man James Inhofe is than the kind of man Barack Obama is.
Contrary to what the right-wing of the Republican Party would like the whole country to believe, military service is not the only measure of patriotism and love of country. John McCain is a patriot who loves his country, and so is Barack Obama.
The fact that their life experiences are different does not make patriotism the sole realm of the Republicans, despite the cinematic imagery and permanent red, white, and blue color scheme of the GOP Convention.
Senator Inhofe has had a career marked by stupid comments that have embarassed his fellow Oklahomans time and time again. Why should this time be any different?
At 73 years old with a mouth that opens only to say insulting and uninformed things, the Oklahoma senator may find in the next election that he will be an example of that refrain from an old song of his native West, he may find himself, "HOME, HOME ON THE RANGE."
The good people of Oklahoma, and the nation, can only hope.

Biden Shows Life in Public Service Can Make You Fighter

While right-wingers would have you believe that Joe Biden's Senate seniority makes him a member of the Washington elite who cares nothing for the average American, the truth is that this is a man who still remembers his roots, and what the average American cares about. Governor Palin is certainly impressive in her own right, but Biden is as well, no question.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Bhutto's Widower New Pakistani President

In a landslide electoral victory on Saturday, Asif Ali Zardari, widower of slain former Pakistani Prime minister Benazir Bhutto, was elected the new President of Pakistan by the upper and lower chambers of the Pakistani Parliament.
He will succeed Pervez Musharraf, the former President and army general who resigned last month under calls for his impeachment.
Riding to a wave of victory on his own calls for reform and the outpouring of love still felt for his late wife, who was assassinated in December of 2007, Zardari must seek to maintain ties to the West while cracking down on the regrouped Taliban regime that still operates in Pakistan's mountainous tribal regions, largely unchecked.
He must maintain and increase the stability of his country, a nuclear power that is both a lifelong adversary of India and a breeding ground for Islamic extremists.
He was reminded on the day of his election just how difficult a task that will be, as a suicide bomber killed 17 people in the northwest city of Peshawar...the same city where his wife was murdered by extremists just nine months ago.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Economy Weaker Still

In the month of August, according to aol Money and Finance, U.S. employers eliminated 84,000 jobs, bringing the U.S. Unemployment Rate to 6.1%, a five year high.
The stakes for America's middle and lower classes, the overwhelming majority of its workforce, have never been higher.
The increased unemployment rate, bank failures, credit crunch, and home foreclosures do not bode well for either candidate, Obama or McCain, who fails to present concrete and detailed plans for returning our economy to full strength over the next four years.
Step up and outline your plans and strategies with specificity gentlemen.
The American people deserve no less.

What is the Change You Can Believe In?

Both candidates in the 2008 presidential race claim to be the agent of the change that America so desperately needs.
Both delivered impressive acceptance speeches to their respective party conventions.
Both are strong personalities with compelling personal stories backed by legions of dedicated and loyal followers.
But if each one is an agent of change, that begs the question: What kind of change?
When John McCain speaks of change, as he did in his acceptance speech last night, he talks of bringing change to Washington, D.C. and its political class.
When Barack Obama speaks, he talks of bringing change to the lives of people out in the country.
John McCain says he will change Washington, and that all will be well in the nation because he took on fellow Washington veterans like himself. To McCain, the Washington veterans of both parties are the problem, except for him-the "Maverick."
A true maverick would talk about new ideas and new ways forward on issues that go beyond more oil drilling, a position he hopes to put forward with the help of Sarah Palin and her oil-company employed husband. While his ideas on energy sources have been expressed, very few others have been.
John McCain says he will bring change to Washington.
Barack Obama is the living embodiment of change at the national and international levels for the United States in 2008, a man who does not merely speak of change in Washington, but of change in the lives of America's citizens.
John McCain traffics in the buzzwords of the Republican past, "no government, pro-life, right-wing judges, tax cuts, big oil, and Reaganomics."
America must move beyond the tired, old themes of the past and boldly chart a new course of innovation, security, and economic development and investment for the future.
A tired, old heroic warrior vs. an energized, young historic innovator...
The politics of divide and conquer vs. the politics of united we are one...
Homogeneous all-white-all-the time monotony vs. Heterogeneous multicultural pluralism...
Change you can believe in?

The Dangerous Underlying Psychology of the 2008 Presidential Race

Now that both conventions have passed, the monumental combat begins.

Each of the four political combatants in this race has a unique challenge on the way to November:

1) Barack Obama must demonstrate that he respects John McCain's service and heroism without appearing to diminish its significance in the public eye, while also demonstrating that he himself is tough enough to be Commander-in-Chief and experienced enough on the world stage to contradict McCain's assertions about him.

2) Joseph Biden must demonstrate his vast superiority to Sarah Palin in the areas of governing, legislating and foreign policy, without appearing to be bullying or condescending toward her, while concurrently avoiding a mistake of fact or style that would permit Palin to portray herself as more experienced and prepared than she really is.

3) John McCain must appear to have new, fresh ideas that make his age irrelevant in the face of a young, intelligent, articulate, informed, and nimble opponent who has shattered a racial barrier for millions of Americans looking for a change in Washington.

4) Sarah Palin must demonstrate that she actually belongs one heartbeat away from the most powerful elective office in the world, and that will come from understanding the intricacies of issues and their significance not just at the state level, but at the national and international levels as well.

We as a nation are about to be drawn into a cross-generational vortex: Young Obama vs. Old McCain and Old Joe vs. Young Sarah.

Strap yourselves in. It is going to be quite a ride.

Cindy's Speech

A class speech by a class act. Nicely done.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

John McCain's Heroism

John McCain served this country and its people with honor, dignity, and self-sacrifice during the Vietnam War, and every single one of us, myself included, owes him a debt of gratitude that we can never fully repay.

By any objective standard of military service and sacrifice, John McCain is an American hero who commands our respect and is not only entitled to it, but deserves it as well. And, he certainly has my respect and my thanks for his sacrifice and his service.

Heroism, and the character it engenders, are certainly qualities we look for in Presidents of the United States. There is no question about that.

But heroism on the battlefield is but one type of heroism, and those who did not serve in uniform should not be summarily dismissed as leaders of strength, character, and honor simply because they've never been shot at.

In addition, ideas and solutions to problems matter as well. To be heroic but devoid of significant ideas is not an answer to moving America forward in the twenty-first century.

If Senator McCain has significant proposals that will move America forward and that will address its many problems that go beyond the boilerplate wording of the Republican Platform, now is the time for him to discuss them at length with the American people.

Without question, everyone loves a hero. They can win the day.

But heroes with problem-solving skills and fresh ideas can win the future.

Lack of GOP Diversity A Problem

While the Republican Party delegates in St. Paul are excited by their ticket and are as enthused in their own way as the Democratic delegates were last week in Denver, the overwhelming lack of ethnic and racial diversity in the convention hall, so blatantly obvious as the networks pan the venue with their cameras, is a troubling prophecy for the future of the Republican Party.

For all its talk about being the Party of Lincoln, and the Party of the Big Tent, the uncanny reality is something else entirely. A party truly committed to the big tent idea will certainly have scores of white members. But when the overwhelming majority of the delegates to the convention, as any observer can clearly see, are white (with some rare exceptions in the crowd), then the GOP has a significant problem.

By the year 2050, caucasian Americans will cease to be the numerical majority in the United States of America. Numerous studies and analyses confirm this undeniable fact. The Republican Party may wish that it can continue to advocate for presidential tickets of white wasps and white protestants, but the fact is that the very base the GOP is catering to this week will not hold the numerical majority in this country forever, as much as they wish it were so.

The GOP can attack the "angry left" all it wants to, but the fact remains that only one party in this country has a significantly consistent history of being open to whites, blacks, hispanics, straight people, gay people, single parents, married couples, small town people, big city people, people of all religious affiliations or none at all, people who love their homes, their guns, their seniors , and their flag just as much as the GOP, despite its shameful smear tactics every four years-and that consistently open party is the Democratic Party.

Only one party has a history of working to unite people from all segments of society and all walks of life, the true hallmark of patriotism and love of country, and that is the Democratic Party.

The GOP can wrap itself in Old Glory all it wants, but its history of divisive tactics, smear politics, religious profiling, racial profiling, assaults on the middle class and the labor movement, and its consistent opposition to every major piece of progressive legislation that improved quality of life in America during the last half of the twentieth century continue to make it the dirt path to the past, not the highway to the future.

Palin Introduces Herself

In her acceptance speech to the Republican National Convention last night, Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska showcased her photogenic family, related her experiences as Governor and mayor, and thrilled the Republican Party base with her wit.

Though she took aim at her Democratic opponents briefly, she is to be commended for delivering a fine speech to the crowd. Though it was written by a Bush Administration speechwriter, she delivered her lines with the zest and fervor that her supporters expected.

She introduced herself well, and now must begin the process of learning how to navigate the waters of both national and international crises and policy, as a Vice-President must.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Georgians Rally Against Russia, And We Must Stand With Them

Yesterday, one million Georgians, according to the press, protested against Russian military action and the backing by Russia of Georgia's two separatist regions.
Held in the capital city of Tbilisi, the protesters united to show their support for Georgian autonomy, in the aftermath of Russian action in August to crush a Georgian bid to retake the breakaway region of South Ossetia from pro-Moscow separatists.
The European Union weighed in by postponing talks with the Russians on a new partnership pact that was scheduled for later in September, on the condition that Moscow pull its troops out of Georgia.
In response, The Russian government accused the United States of sending weapons and assistance to the Republic of Georgia, and once again warned Western governments to deny support to Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili.
The West must not allow itself to be bullied by renewed Russian saber-rattling. It should continue to expand the NATO alliance, and should continue to give verbal support to Georgia in its hour of need. In addition, we must not give up on Russia. With its nuclear arsenal, energy reserves, and strategic importance in the war on international terrorism, we must help the Russians avoid the perilous backslide back into totalitarianism, and encourage the further develop of market forces and democratic reforms.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Biden More Honorable Public Servant Than Karl Rove Will Ever Be

In response to Bush Victory Architect Karl Rove's declaration today that Democratic Vice-Presidential candidate Joseph Biden is a "big blowhard doofus," because of his propensity to talk alot about issues, I have only one thing to say: Karl Rove has no standing to criticize ANYONE.

Joseph Biden has done more in serving Delaware, in serving the nation, in putting cops on the street, in raising his boys as a single father after the tragic death of his wife, in drafting the Violence Against Women Act, in leading the charge against the confirmation of Right-Wing zealot Robert Bork to the Supreme Court, in being a leading advocate for U.S. intervention to stop the ethnic cleansing campaigns in Bosnia and Kosovo, and in facing down genocidal/homicidal maniacs like Slobodan Milosevic, than Karl Rove has accomplished in all his right-wing political pontificating over the last eight years.

A college dropout and former direct mail posterboy like Rove would never have gotten a chance at a national reputation if he hadn't schooled a non-effective Governor from Texas in the art of political mudslinging and political chicanery.

I'll take a talkative Joe Biden with a documented record of achievement any day of the week and twice on Sundays over a deceitful, unscrupulous, and unprincipled political hack like Karl Rove.

Of course Karl Rove has time to attack Biden now that even the Presidential nightmare he created has disavowed him. Without the White House and Team Bush to cover his mistakes and to make excuses for him, Rove has nothing left to do with his time but attack quality public servants, pretend to be of value to the McCain Campaign (which he isn't), and await some misstep that will finally see the law punish him for his dubious and reprehensible machinations during the Bush years.

What goes around comes around. Mr. Rove can't escape retribution for his deceitful brand of political destruction forever.

Japanese Government Again Rudderless

With the resignation today of Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda, the Japanese state finds itself once again struggling to find a charismatic leader to resemble the former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi.

As with Koizumi's hand-picked successor, Shinzo Abe, who resigned shortly after taking office due to health reasons, the departure of Fukuda leaves the shaky Japanese economy in a state of continued turmoil, exacerbated by another power vacuum at the top.

With the Japanese Parliament evenly divided between Fukuda's party and the opposition party, a genuine unifier and political healer will be necessary to stem the tide of turmoil that has been the recent hallmark of Japan's economic downturn.

With China's rising influence in the region, as demonstrated by their recent extraordinary performance in hosting the 2008 Summer Olympic Games, the Japanese must come together to shake off their malaise both economically and politically before it is too late.

Palin's Family Should Be Off-Limits, With One Exception

The revelation earlier today that Governor Sarah Palin's 17 year old daughter is pregnant, and will marry the father is, sadly in our society, all too frequent. And yes, I agree with both the McCain and Obama campaigns that the families of the candidates should be off-limits to insult and overzealous scrutiny by the media...with one exception.

The ticket of John McCain and Sarah Palin has no standing now to climb upon a "proverbial high horse" and lecture the good people of America, or the Obama-Biden ticket for that matter, on the subject of "family and moral values." This has been an all-too frequent weapon in the arsenal of Republican presidential tickets of the past-imposing the so-called moral and Right-Wing Christian values of some on the lives of everyone, regardless of their religious belief system.

I hope the McCain-Palin ticket will show more class than to tout the superiority of their Republican values over that of the Democrats' values. If not, if they decide to attack Obama-Biden and their legions of supporters on "moral family values" in a cheap, tawdry effort to capture undecided swing voters, then by all means, I say to the Democratic ticket...TAKE THE GLOVES OFF, AND COME OUT SWINGING!

If McCain -Palin decides to attack Democrats with the old and tired family values stick in this election, I say fine. Let's then give them the debate they want-a debate on family and moral values- Let's then publicly examine the family and moral values of a Vice-Presidential nominee and her nearest and dearest whose lessons and parenting skills were apparently so effective that a 17 year old girl got pregnant out of wedlock... and the daughter of the state's Chief Executive Officer to boot! Quite a role model for the people of Alaska and the country.

If McCain-Palin knows what's good for them, and wants a shot at winning this election, it had better not go there.

Unless Our Course Changes, Retirement May Be a Thing of the Past

As American voters prepare to go to the polls this November, the stakes for America's well-being and strength have never been higher.

More and more American workers are working longer and harder for less, while corporate profits continue to skyrocket, and for many, savings is difficult, if not impossible, in today's volatile economic climate. The American Dream of a well-earned retirement after a lifetime of a job well done is becoming increasingly fleeting for all except the super-wealthy.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 29% of people in their late 60's were working in 2006, up from 18% in 1985, and 6 million workers last year were age 65 or older. According to the Bureau and aol Money and Finance, over the next decade, workers age 55 and up are expected to rise at more than 5 times the rate of the overall work force in America.

If senior citizens in America choose to keep working full-time because they want to, I say bravo, good for them. Staying active and engaged both physically and mentally is not only good for one's health, but good for the country as well.

But if senior citizens have to work for fear of getting sick, going hungry, or losing what little they have, that is morally wrong in a country as great as our own. To those who say, "Well, they didn't save enough, that's their own fault, just too bad. Only the strongest deserve to survive,"
I say that Social Darwinism and devouring the weakest among us without providing opportunities to help those most elderly among us is a travesty of the highest caliber.

No one is talking about a handout. I am talking about a hand up. All Americans who have worked hard all their lives deserve that when needed.

McCain Modifies Day One, Jefferson Prepares For Primary

I agree with John McCain's decision to cut back the festivities of Day One of the RNC Convention due to the impending arrival of Hurricane Gustav at the Gulf Coast. Not wishing to repeat the mistakes of the past and to appear shamefully partisan, McCain will spend time along the Gulf Coast initially monitoring the situation. I look for the GOP to pretend that Katrina never happened, and to say, in effect, "Look at us now...See, we do care, we do want to protect ordinary citizens from the wrath of Mother Nature."

I disagree, however, with U.S. Congressman William Jefferson (D-LA), as he stands ready to compete in this Saturday's Democratic House Primary in Louisiana. Looking to win a 10th Term in the U.S. House, I think that Congressman Jefferson' s recent Federal indictment on Bribery charges should give the man a moment of pause as to whether or not he is still fit to serve the public interest. As he awaits the start of his federal bribery trial in Virginia later this year, I think that most thinking Democrats would agree that Jefferson gave up the right to serve the people when he so blatantly began serving himself.

How do I know this? I remind my readers that the FBI found close to $90,000 in bribes in Rep. Jefferson's house when they searched it, money he denied knowledge of.

Where did they find it?

In his freezer.

I rest my case.