Friday, September 26, 2008

Debate Important For American People...Stunt Was Foolish

With twenty minutes remaining until the start of the first presidential debate of this season, it is important to remind everyone that presidential debates and the discussion of presidential candidates' ideas are a vital service for the American voter and should go on despite the economic turmoil we find ourselves in.
John McCain's pathetic stunt, the "suspending" of his campaign and suggested boycott of tonight's debate to help formulate the congressional bailout of America's financial system, was a dismal failure. His effect in Washington was nothing but a distraction for both Republican and Democratic lawmakers charged with the responsibility of crafting a legislative remedy, and when faced with the possibility of leaving the stage to Barack Obama in a town-hall format, McCain panicked and backed off, agreeing to debate in Mississippi at Ole Miss after all.
We've heard nothing but continuous blather about how tough and courageous John McCain is.
Courage means more than just surviving the enemy in a military conflict. A Commander-in-Chief can't simply "suspend" activities when the going gets tough. The American people want to know what his stands on the issues are-all the issues.
I'm glad to see that the Arizona senator decided to put the American people first tonight, rather than cheap political theater.
It is about time.

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