Monday, September 1, 2008

Palin's Family Should Be Off-Limits, With One Exception

The revelation earlier today that Governor Sarah Palin's 17 year old daughter is pregnant, and will marry the father is, sadly in our society, all too frequent. And yes, I agree with both the McCain and Obama campaigns that the families of the candidates should be off-limits to insult and overzealous scrutiny by the media...with one exception.

The ticket of John McCain and Sarah Palin has no standing now to climb upon a "proverbial high horse" and lecture the good people of America, or the Obama-Biden ticket for that matter, on the subject of "family and moral values." This has been an all-too frequent weapon in the arsenal of Republican presidential tickets of the past-imposing the so-called moral and Right-Wing Christian values of some on the lives of everyone, regardless of their religious belief system.

I hope the McCain-Palin ticket will show more class than to tout the superiority of their Republican values over that of the Democrats' values. If not, if they decide to attack Obama-Biden and their legions of supporters on "moral family values" in a cheap, tawdry effort to capture undecided swing voters, then by all means, I say to the Democratic ticket...TAKE THE GLOVES OFF, AND COME OUT SWINGING!

If McCain -Palin decides to attack Democrats with the old and tired family values stick in this election, I say fine. Let's then give them the debate they want-a debate on family and moral values- Let's then publicly examine the family and moral values of a Vice-Presidential nominee and her nearest and dearest whose lessons and parenting skills were apparently so effective that a 17 year old girl got pregnant out of wedlock... and the daughter of the state's Chief Executive Officer to boot! Quite a role model for the people of Alaska and the country.

If McCain-Palin knows what's good for them, and wants a shot at winning this election, it had better not go there.

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