Friday, September 5, 2008

The Dangerous Underlying Psychology of the 2008 Presidential Race

Now that both conventions have passed, the monumental combat begins.

Each of the four political combatants in this race has a unique challenge on the way to November:

1) Barack Obama must demonstrate that he respects John McCain's service and heroism without appearing to diminish its significance in the public eye, while also demonstrating that he himself is tough enough to be Commander-in-Chief and experienced enough on the world stage to contradict McCain's assertions about him.

2) Joseph Biden must demonstrate his vast superiority to Sarah Palin in the areas of governing, legislating and foreign policy, without appearing to be bullying or condescending toward her, while concurrently avoiding a mistake of fact or style that would permit Palin to portray herself as more experienced and prepared than she really is.

3) John McCain must appear to have new, fresh ideas that make his age irrelevant in the face of a young, intelligent, articulate, informed, and nimble opponent who has shattered a racial barrier for millions of Americans looking for a change in Washington.

4) Sarah Palin must demonstrate that she actually belongs one heartbeat away from the most powerful elective office in the world, and that will come from understanding the intricacies of issues and their significance not just at the state level, but at the national and international levels as well.

We as a nation are about to be drawn into a cross-generational vortex: Young Obama vs. Old McCain and Old Joe vs. Young Sarah.

Strap yourselves in. It is going to be quite a ride.

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