Sunday, September 7, 2008

Inhofe Proves Again What a Fool Really Is

In a recent interview with The Tulsa World, U.S. Senator James Inhofe (R-Oklahoma) said, "You have to ask yourself, do you really want a Commander-in-Chief who I'm not sure really loves his country?" in reference to Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama.
At no time during the 2008 presidential race has Senator Obama said or implied that he doesn't love his country, so Inhofe ought to watch his inflammatory words and his mouth. For one United States Senator to question the patriotism of another on totally baseless grounds says far more about the the kind of man James Inhofe is than the kind of man Barack Obama is.
Contrary to what the right-wing of the Republican Party would like the whole country to believe, military service is not the only measure of patriotism and love of country. John McCain is a patriot who loves his country, and so is Barack Obama.
The fact that their life experiences are different does not make patriotism the sole realm of the Republicans, despite the cinematic imagery and permanent red, white, and blue color scheme of the GOP Convention.
Senator Inhofe has had a career marked by stupid comments that have embarassed his fellow Oklahomans time and time again. Why should this time be any different?
At 73 years old with a mouth that opens only to say insulting and uninformed things, the Oklahoma senator may find in the next election that he will be an example of that refrain from an old song of his native West, he may find himself, "HOME, HOME ON THE RANGE."
The good people of Oklahoma, and the nation, can only hope.

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