Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Palin's Religious Heritage Must Be Examined

While Religious Freedom is a hallmark of this great nation, the fact is that Sarah Palin is an unknown quantity to Americans, plucked from obscurity by Senator John McCain a week ago.
Unlike McCain, Obama, and Biden, Palin did not undergo the intense scrutiny of the presidential primaries.
We are now on a limited campaign calendar, and the American people are entitled to know as much about this newcomer as possible.
Though now a member of a community church since her entry into politics, her prior religious influences are just as relevant for examination as all the yelling and screaming about Obama's former Pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, this past summer and spring.
As much as the Republican Party would like to wrap itself in the flag and the Bible, and attack Obama for his early relgious influences, that double standard will not work. Sarah Palin's beliefs will influence her policy views just like anybody else in public life.
The American people are entitled to know what those beliefs are.

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