Saturday, August 30, 2008

Democratic Ticket Hits The Road

Acknowledging that they will not cede any region to the Republicans in the election of 2008, The Obama-Biden ticket left Denver and traveled to Beaver and Pittsburgh, PA to campaign in the working class areas of the Rust Belt that the Democrats must retain in their column, and that the Republicans covet. From there, the ticket will travel to both Ohio and Michigan on their Bus Tour with their wives, Michelle and Jill, to continue reaching out to the voters in need of inspiration and hope in this campaign.

Continuing their theme of being civil to their opponents on a personal level, the Obama-Biden ticket called to congratulate Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska on her selection as John McCain's running mate, and welcomed her to the campaign of ideas.

The Democratic Ticket is wise to continue moving, working, speaking, inspiring, and delivering its message of hope for the future as the GOP officially nominates McCain-Palin in St. Paul this week.

I predict we will see a Republican Convention that rallies around The Alaska Governor as a candidate who is a reformer and a challenger of authority.


Bonnie said...

While I agree with your prediction that the GOP is counting on creating the perception of Sarah Palin as a reformer, I think they will use as much of prime time as possible to sling negative slurs and sound bites at Barack Obama. My biggest worry is that for obvious reasons the dems are going to underestimate this VP pick. And we all know what happens when one underestimates their opponent.

T.D.B. said...

I agree that Democrats must not underestimate her. They must be tough, but smart.