Monday, September 1, 2008

Biden More Honorable Public Servant Than Karl Rove Will Ever Be

In response to Bush Victory Architect Karl Rove's declaration today that Democratic Vice-Presidential candidate Joseph Biden is a "big blowhard doofus," because of his propensity to talk alot about issues, I have only one thing to say: Karl Rove has no standing to criticize ANYONE.

Joseph Biden has done more in serving Delaware, in serving the nation, in putting cops on the street, in raising his boys as a single father after the tragic death of his wife, in drafting the Violence Against Women Act, in leading the charge against the confirmation of Right-Wing zealot Robert Bork to the Supreme Court, in being a leading advocate for U.S. intervention to stop the ethnic cleansing campaigns in Bosnia and Kosovo, and in facing down genocidal/homicidal maniacs like Slobodan Milosevic, than Karl Rove has accomplished in all his right-wing political pontificating over the last eight years.

A college dropout and former direct mail posterboy like Rove would never have gotten a chance at a national reputation if he hadn't schooled a non-effective Governor from Texas in the art of political mudslinging and political chicanery.

I'll take a talkative Joe Biden with a documented record of achievement any day of the week and twice on Sundays over a deceitful, unscrupulous, and unprincipled political hack like Karl Rove.

Of course Karl Rove has time to attack Biden now that even the Presidential nightmare he created has disavowed him. Without the White House and Team Bush to cover his mistakes and to make excuses for him, Rove has nothing left to do with his time but attack quality public servants, pretend to be of value to the McCain Campaign (which he isn't), and await some misstep that will finally see the law punish him for his dubious and reprehensible machinations during the Bush years.

What goes around comes around. Mr. Rove can't escape retribution for his deceitful brand of political destruction forever.

1 comment:

RS said...

Women Want Safety, not Biden's Abuse of Power

Senator Joe Biden proudly proclaims that he was regularly and severely beaten by his older sister as a child and as an adolescent. This is the same sister that raised his two sons after his wife and daughter were killed in an auto accident.

Biden has often claimed that the Violence against Women Act is the greatest achievement of his career. He also claims that a woman cannot be a perpetrator of domestic violence, despite the fact that hundreds of studies show that women commit acts of domestic violence as often as, or more often than men. Many studies also show that lesbian women physically attack their intimate partners at least as often as heterosexual men.

As a result of Biden's Violence against Women Act, the federal government pays states to create laws effectively requiring that men be removed from their homes and families without even an allegation of violence, with no legitimate standards of evidence, when a woman makes a claim that she is afraid.

Elaine Epstein, president of the Massachusetts Bar Association (1999), has said "the facts have become irrelevant... restraining orders are granted to virtually all who apply. Regarding divorce cases, she states "allegations of abuse are now used for tactical advantage". According to Epstein, who is also a former president of the Massachusetts Women’s Bar Association, restraining orders are doled out "like candy" and "in virtually all cases, no notice, meaningful hearing, or impartial weighing of evidence is to be had."

State restraining order laws are starting to fall because they're unconstitutional. The federal law behind them, written by Joe Biden, is likely to fall as well, not because it isn’t popular, but because it is clearly unconstitutional.

Supporting Documentation

Here are some of the facts regarding Biden's abuse at the hand of his sister. During senate hearings held on December 11, 1990, Biden testified to the abuse.

This recent CDC study indicates that women between the ages of 18 and 28 initiate reciprocal violence against their intimate partners about as often as men. It also indicates that women initiate non-reciprocal violence against their intimate partners more than twice as often as men.

Here is a link to a bibliography of over 200 studies indicating that women are as violent as men in their intimate relationships:

According to the US Department of Justice, women also abuse, neglect and kill their children at significantly higher rates than men. Here’s some of the data on child homicides.

Research clearly indicates that lesbian battery is at least as common as heterosexual battery.

Cathy Young reports on the Elaine Epstein quote and the broader issue at here:

and provides in depth analysis here: