Saturday, September 27, 2008

Debate #1 Refreshing For Americans

The American people saw a truly detailed debate last night between this year's presidential candidates, and we are all better off because of it.
John McCain showed that he still has some detail left in him, and Barack Obama showed that he is certainly capable enough to stand on the stage at this level.
Regardless of the outcome, American voters should be grateful for a look into this critical process.
It is a commentary on why we still remain the greatest democracy on the face of the earth.


12thManDawgFan said...

Everyone knows the saying, "A picture is worth a thousand words." I feel this video on youtube is worth a million words all summed up in two minutes. So please click on and enjoy as much as I did.

T.D.B. said...
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T.D.B. said...

Barack Obama is not a Socialist merely because he advocates the involvement of government in reining in the excesses of uncontrolled, runaway corporate raiders who care nothing for hardworking Americans. The Conservative obsession with business as the panacea for all that ails America is what got us in this situation in the first place. Obama's prescription here is not socialism. His prescription here is what's been lacking from the Bush Administration for eight cruel years-common sense. Bravo to Senator Obama for standing up to the unrelenting greed and heartless selfishness of corporate America's crooks.

12thManDawgFan said...

Speaking of crooks, former Clinton crony, Franklin Raines, made tens of million of dollars while heading Fannie Mae. Jim Johnson, one of Obama's economic advisors, made millions as well working for Fannie Mae. Jamie Gorelick, made 26 million working for Fannie Mae. Then, all Fannie Mae did was grease the hands of politicians to protect their interests. Chris Dodd (D-Co), received the most money from Fannie Mae, second on the list is the Messiah, "Barry" Obama ($142,000). They gave McCain money too, $842. And who are the crooks?

T.D.B. said...

On the contrary, no one has called Senator Obama the messiah, though one is certainly needed to return this great nation to the path of sensibility, strength, compassion, and sanity that has been so blatantly abused by the Bush Administration and its current surrogate, Senator McCain.
The Conservative worship of big business raiders like Enron and Tyco are as bad or worse than the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac offenders.
The Democrats have only been in control of Congress since January of 2007. It is the Republican Party, the party of no government regulation, unfettered business greed, corporate cronyism, and draconian social purity with no room for tolerance or differing viewpoints that has controlled the Congress from 2001 to 2007, and has controlled the Executive Branch from 2001 to 2008.
No one is going to lay the blame for the current state of affairs on Democrats. The record of the last eight years is one of irresponsibility and foolhardy recklessness on behalf of the
G.O.P.-Greed, Oligarchy, and Plundering.
Countless Americans are tired of being ignored, marginalized, and abused.

12thManDawgFan said...

As far as calling Barry Obama the Messiah, forgive me for the right wing nickname for Barry. Is it okay to call him Barry since he called himself that when he was a kid, according to his book? But no one man in the entire universe can restore a nation to sensibility and stength, unless you truly are the Messiah (JESUS CHRIST).
And as far as the Enron and Tyco crooks, they are in prison! The Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac crooks, Franklin Raines and Jim Johnson, should join them. Instead, they are both on the Obama campaign team. I didn't realize that it helped to compare crooks. I always thought that if a person walks like a crook and talks like a crook, he/she is a &%*$@!# CROOK!

T.D.B. said...

I agree, certainly. And if and when either of those men is charged, tried, and convicted of crimes and malfeasance, I will be the first to stand with you and say, "Bravo! Our system of justice has succeeded again."