Thursday, September 11, 2008

We Must Never Forget

On this, the seventh anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in New York, Washington, and Pennsylvania, we are reminded how fragile our lives and our freedom really are.
They are precious commodities, and we must seek every day to protect them.
We must honor those innocents who lost their lives in these senseless and shameful acts of cowardice by our enemies, enemies we must hunt to the ends of the earth.
Let us all pray for the souls of our fallen brothers and sisters.
We shall never forget them.


12thManDawgFan said...

AMEN! I'M WATCHING THIS SPECIAL ON THE HISTORY CHANNEL CALLED "102 MINUTES THAT CHANGED AMERICA". IT IS A COMBINATION OF DIFFERENT LIVE VIDEO/AUDIO FOOTAGE OF SEPTEMBER 11, 2001. ONE OF THE MOST, IF NOT THE MOST, INTENSE THINGS I HAVE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFETIME. SEEING THE LOOK OF FEAR ON THE AMERICAN PEOPLE'S FACES AFTER THE PLANES HIT THE TOWERS WILL BLOW YOUR MIND. NOT TO MENTION, AT LEAST HALF OF THEM ASKED THE CAMERA TO GET OUT OF THEIR FACE BECAUSE THEY WERE SO ANGRY AND OTHERS SAID WE NEEDED TO KILL THEM ALL. AND HOW DARE THEY DO THIS TO US ON OUR SOIL. AMEN! Today on the radio, I heard and COMPLETELY agree with Neal Boortz about George Bush. He said that he isn't the greatest president ever and that he has made many mistakes, and he has. And Boortz said that after this day, seven years ago, George Bush's main priority was protecting you and I from something like this happening again on our own soil. And that GOD WILLING, the next president, whether it be McCain or Obama, will do the same. SO THANKS GEORGE BUSH. JOB WELL DONE MR. PRESIDENT!!

T.D.B. said...

I am truly grateful for your thoughtful comments. Please continue to comment in the PoliForum. Only through such intelligent dialogue can all citizens keep this nation strong.

thecoffeeshopopinion said...

The one question that everyone asks about this day was where were you when this happened....I was in the Navy, working second shift, and actually asleep during the event. But when I got called in early, the realization hit!? I was stationed on the Oceana Air Base and the usual whine androar of F-14 engines was not there, all of the squadrons had flown to their perspective boats to prepare for what we thought was going to be a war. Only 2 squadrons remained, ours, and an 18 squadron that were going to patrol the airs of New York and Washington DC is more attacks were to begin. The hangers and flight lines were totally silent, and sound that I hadn't heard in my entire service time. And that silence made it real to me...America was preparing for war. And that initial rebounding attack and Bush's ability to pull the nation together made this nation great again. So even though he's had a lot of mess ups and fumbles, Bush actually has done some godd for the country, at least during his first term. I know that I will never forget that day because of the silence that rang in my ears as I prepared my jet for war.